Wednesday 4 January 2012

How does Dsp works?

First , the sensor will pick up signal from the physical world. e.g. Sound , light.

Afterward , the signal will be converted to voltage waveform by signal conditioning so that it can digitised by an A/D converter.

It then passes through the anti-aliasing filter . It is to prevent the high frequency component from causing aliasing during the sampling process.

The signal will now go through the
Analog to digital converter (ADC) so that it can be read by Digital Processing.

Now the signal would be at Digital Processing.

The signal then go through the Digital to Analog converter (DAC) so that it can be read by Anti-imaging filter.

Lastly, the signal will pass through the anti-imaging filter so that it can be constructed to be a smooth analogue signal , very much like the signal that was

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